Avocado Toast

Recipe by Kyle Jung

Ingredients: 2 avocados, 1 half of a lemon, cilantro, 1 bread slice, black pepper, steamed eggs, and sriracha

Step 1

Open up the avocados and remove the skin and core.

Step 2

Toast the bread until it's golden brown and crispy.

Step 3

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the lemon juice into the bowl with the avocados.

Step 4

Sprinkle black pepper and cilantro into the bowl.

Step 5

Grind the ingredients up until it sticks together into guacamole.

Step 6

Butter the toast; this is optional.

Step 7

Spread the guacamole over the toast until it's even.

Step 8

Cut off the ends of the steamed eggs and slice the middle into 4 pieces.
Put them onto the toast in a 2 by 2 order.

Step 9

You've finished! Putting sriracha onto the toast is optional.